who owns ego power tools

Who owns EGO Power Tools?

For homeowners seeking a powerful and eco-friendly alternative to gas-powered outdoor equipment, EGO Power+ has become a popular choice. But have you ever wondered who owns EGO power tools?  This article dives deep into the ownership of this innovative brand, exploring its parent company and its place within the larger power tool industry.


Chervon: The Powerhouse Behind EGO

The answer is clear: EGO Power+ is owned by Chervon, a global leader in power tools and outdoor power equipment. Founded in 1993 and headquartered in Nanjing, China, Chervon has established itself as a major player in the industry. While not as widely recognized as some household names, Chervon boasts a strong presence with a focus on innovation and quality. Chervon also offers a diverse range of products, including security cameras, further showcasing their commitment to providing comprehensive solutions for both indoor and outdoor needs.

who owns ego power tools

A History of Manufacturing Expertise

Chervon’s journey began in 1994 with the establishment of Chervon Power Tools. This initial foray into the power tool market laid the groundwork for the company’s future success.  Over the years, Chervon has strategically expanded its portfolio through acquisitions. Notably, they acquired the well-known brands Skil/Skilsaw and FLEX, further solidifying their position in the industry.


EGO: A Wholly Owned Powerhouse

However, EGO Power+ stands out from Chervon’s other holdings. Unlike Skil and FLEX, which were acquired from existing companies, EGO is a brand wholly owned and developed by Chervon. This distinction highlights the company’s commitment to the cordless outdoor power equipment market and its vision for EGO as a major force in the category.

Chervon’s Global Reach

Chervon’s influence extends far beyond China. The company operates manufacturing facilities in multiple countries, ensuring efficient production and distribution on a global scale. This international presence allows EGO Power+ to reach a wide range of customers, from North America and Europe to Australia.


Innovation at the Core of EGO’s Success

One of the key factors behind EGO’s rise has been its commitment to innovation. The brand’s signature 56V ARC Lithium™ battery technology is a testament to this focus. This proprietary technology delivers power on par with gas-powered equipment, but without the associated drawbacks of noise, fumes, and emissions.  EGO’s focus on battery life and performance has been instrumental in attracting environmentally conscious consumers seeking a powerful alternative.

Beyond Batteries: A Diverse Product Line

EGO Power+ doesn’t stop at batteries. The brand offers a comprehensive line of outdoor power equipment, including lawnmowers, string trimmers, hedge trimmers, chainsaws, and blowers. This diverse product portfolio caters to a wide range of needs, from maintaining a pristine lawn to tackling tough yard work.  The interchangeability of EGO’s batteries across their product line further enhances their appeal to consumers, offering convenience and cost-effectiveness.


Standing Out in a Crowded Market

The outdoor power equipment market is a competitive landscape, with established brands like Stihl and Husqvarna vying for consumer attention. However, EGO has carved out a niche for itself by focusing on cordless technology and environmental sustainability. This strategic positioning resonates with a growing segment of eco-conscious consumers who value performance without sacrificing the environment.

who owns ego power tools

Looking Ahead: The Future of EGO Power+

With its innovative technology, diverse product line, and commitment to sustainability, EGO Power+ is poised for continued growth. Chervon’s global reach and manufacturing expertise provide a strong foundation for the brand’s future. As cordless technology continues to evolve, we can expect EGO to remain at the forefront, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in outdoor power equipment.


Chervon’s Powerhouse Effect: How Ownership Fuels EGO’s Growth

Chervon’s ownership of EGO Power Tools is a strategic alliance that fuels the brand’s growth and success in several ways:

  • Manufacturing Muscle: Chervon’s experience as a major power tool manufacturer translates directly to EGO’s benefit. Their established global manufacturing facilities ensure efficient production, allowing EGO to meet growing demand and compete effectively on a price point.
  • Innovation Engine:  Chervon’s resources and expertise in power tool development empower EGO’s innovation.  This is evident in the development of EGO’s core technology, the 56V ARC Lithium™ battery system. Chervon’s backing allows EGO to invest in research and development, pushing the boundaries of cordless outdoor power equipment.
  • Global Reach:  Chervon’s international presence grants EGO a significant advantage. Their existing distribution channels and manufacturing facilities across multiple countries allow EGO to reach a wider customer base. This global reach expands EGO’s market potential and fuels brand recognition on a wider scale.
  • Brand Synergy:  While EGO is a distinct brand, Chervon’s ownership allows EGO to leverage Chervon’s reputation for quality and reliability.  This association builds trust with consumers who may not be familiar with EGO but recognize the Chervon name.
  • Financial Backing:  Chervon’s financial strength provides a secure foundation for EGO’s growth. This allows EGO to invest in marketing campaigns, product development, and expanding its product line.  Chervon’s resources act as a springboard, propelling EGO’s brand awareness and market share.

In conclusion, Chervon’s ownership is not simply a matter of who owns the brand. It’s a strategic partnership that fuels EGO’s success through manufacturing efficiency, innovation capabilities, global reach, brand association, and financial backing. This synergy positions EGO for continued growth and leadership in the cordless outdoor power equipment market.

The Challenge and Charge: EGO Power Tools in a Competitive Market

While EGO Power Tools has carved a niche for itself, the outdoor power equipment market is a fierce battleground. Here’s a breakdown of the competition and challenges EGO faces:

Established Giants:

Seasoned players like Stihl and Husqvarna dominate the market, boasting a loyal customer base and brand recognition built over decades. These brands offer a wide range of gas-powered and, increasingly, cordless options, posing a significant threat to EGO’s market share.

Price Point Pressure:

Gas-powered equipment is generally cheaper upfront compared to cordless options. While EGO highlights the long-term cost savings of cordless tools due to lower maintenance and fuel costs, the initial price tag can be a barrier for some budget-conscious consumers.

Battery Technology:

Battery technology is constantly evolving. While EGO’s 56V ARC Lithium™ batteries are impressive, competitors are continuously innovating.  Maintaining a technological edge and ensuring battery life and performance remain best-in-class is an ongoing challenge for EGO.

Dealer Network:

Established brands often have well-established dealer networks, allowing for easy access to products, service, and repairs. EGO, while growing its network, may not yet have the same level of dealer penetration, potentially limiting customer reach in certain areas.

Consumer Education:

The cordless outdoor power equipment market is still relatively new. Educating consumers about the benefits of cordless options, dispelling range anxiety concerns, and highlighting the environmental advantages are ongoing challenges for EGO.

Adapting to Regulations:

Environmental regulations concerning gas-powered equipment are becoming stricter in some regions. This could benefit EGO in the long run, but navigating these evolving regulations and adapting product offerings accordingly presents a challenge.

Despite these challenges, EGO has several advantages:

  • Focus on Innovation: EGO’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of cordless technology positions them well for the future.
  • Environmental Benefits: The growing focus on sustainability resonates with a significant portion of the market, giving EGO a competitive edge.
  • Product Diversification: EGO’s diverse product line caters to a wide range of needs, making them a one-stop shop for cordless outdoor equipment solutions.
  • Strong Brand Identity: EGO has successfully positioned itself as a leader in cordless outdoor power equipment, building brand recognition and trust.

In conclusion, EGO faces a competitive market with established players and ongoing challenges. However, their focus on innovation, environmental benefits, product diversification, and strong brand identity position them well for continued growth. By effectively addressing the competitive landscape and adapting to evolving consumer needs and regulations, EGO can solidify its place as a leader in the cordless outdoor power equipment market.


In conclusion, while EGO Power+ may not be a household name yet, its ownership by Chervon, a global leader in power tools, positions it for continued success. The brand’s focus on innovation, particularly its powerful battery technology, has established it as a major player in the cordless outdoor power equipment market. As consumers increasingly seek eco-friendly solutions, EGO Power+ is well-positioned to capitalize on this growing trend and solidify its place as a leader in the industry.

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